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The 'No Content' issue has been resolved on Roku. Please ensure the WBFYC Roku app has completed the latest update.
(Version 6.2 . Build 2023036)
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Showing articles from Android tag

Video content won't play!

If you have successfully installed the app and you are not able to see any content when you click the "Play" button there are three things to verify first: **_Are you using one of the supported devices below?_** * **iOS (iPhone & iPad):** iOS 13 or newer * **Android (Phone & Tablet): **Android 4.4 (KitKat) or ne…

Does the FYC app have Closed Captioning? How do I enable them?

Closed Captioning is available for each of the films offered in the FYC app. Once you begin playing one of the films, the closed captioning feature will be available in the playback settings, located at the bottom of the screen. From this menu you will have the option of toggling captions on or off. On the Desktop, i…

How do I get support for the FYC App if I’m locked out?

If you have been locked out of the FYC app, you can access support from the login page by clicking the ['Help'][1] button at the bottom of the screen. You will be redirected to the FYC FAQ page. ![][2] [1]: [2]:…

Why did my download disappear?

If your download is no longer available, it may have expired after 2 weeks or you may have logged out of the application. The download expires after 2 weeks or when you log out of the FYC app. Please keep in mind that downloads will be deleted from your app if you log out of the app. But don’t worry, the app will re…

How do I get support for the FYC App?

If you’re having trouble with the FYC App, there are several ways to access support: **SUPPORT OPTIONS** * **FAQ** - Need a quick answer? Please visit our [FAQ ][1]section as many answers to commonly asked questions can be quickly located here. * **LIVE CHAT SUPPORT** - Can't find the answer in our [FAQ's][1]? …

What platforms is the FYC App available on?

_**Supported Operating Systems and Platforms **_ Our FYC app uses new technology for DRM (Digital Rights Management) and as such we only support some of the most recent Operating Systems including: * **iOS (iPhone & iPad):** iOS 13 or newer. * **Android (Phone & Tablet): **Android 6 (Marshmallow) or newer. * *…

How do I install the App?

![][1] **To download the FYC app, select your device below:** **[iOS (iPhone/iPad)- App Store][2]** **[Android (Phone/Tablet)- Google Play store][3] ** **[Roku - Roku Channel Store][4]** **[Desktop/PC/Laptop- Select the corresponding download for your OS: Windows or Mac][5] [XBox One/ Xbox Series X|S][6]** **_…

How do I log in?

Go to [][1] and download the FYC app. Once the Desktop, iOS, Android or Apple TV **FYC **app is downloaded you will see the following page: ![][2] Insert your login code provided by your guild and click **"LOG IN"** [1]: [2]:…

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